My top 17 posts from 2017
This year I have to say I write this post with pleasure, at the start of 2017 I sat down and I took a hard look at myself and where I was going. I set myself goals, personal, spiritual and professional goals. I am looking back and reflecting on my year with a lump in my throat and a happiness in my heart. Today I am sharing my top 17 posts from 2017. I wrote over 106 blog posts this year which I am very proud of. A lot of bloggers get slack for not actually blogging but I set myself a goal to have a minimum of two posts a week and I am delighted I stuck to it. The year also came with its very own angst and heartache which was kept behind the scenes. Just know that even though I put my most positive front in the world, I do have tough times too. I choose to keep them away from the blog because I aim to be positive and inspire on my platforms. I hope you have enjoyed the videos, photos and posts that I have shared this year on the blog. Please do let me know what you have enjoyed the most and would like to see more of.
1, Body Acceptance
My most popular post this year was my post about body acceptance. I was overwhelmed with the response this post got and how relatable it was. My biggest motivation to create content is when it helps people and it resonates with them. You can catch it here. The older I become the more I find who I am as a person. Each year I dig a little deeper and I explore my likes and dislikes. One of the things that I was struggling with at the start of the year was how sick I was at how superficial social media and the media itself can be. I am bored of the same images in media and this post was sharing how I felt and still feel today.
2, The Pink Fridge
I will admit. When I was pondering and contemplating painting the fridge pink I did question whether it was madness or genius. I just couldn’t face looking at the black fridge any longer so I decided to give it a makeover. I can happily report that it is still in perfect condition and I have had no chips or issues with it. You can read and watch it here.
3, Solo Travel New York
Just before 2016 ended I bought myself a ticket to go to the creator and cultivators conference in New York. I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone and face my fears. I decided to head to New York by myself for 5 whole days! I actually look back in awe of how I did this. I remember shaking as I went through customs and sat waiting to board the plane all by myself! But I did it. I have such fond memories when I look back at my time in New York. There is something about travelling that lights up my soul. Wandering around New York looking up at the skyscrapers, navigating my way around the subway, walking the Brooklyn Bridge and having Guinness in an Irish bar laughing with Mya. This is something that I know if I had not had done I would have regretted. I adored this city and the time I spent there. There really is something about this city. I think it is the energy but you never return the same. You can read all about it in this post.
4, How Upcycling and Diy help my anxiety
I was delighted when I wrote this post and it helped so many people open up about their anxiety. In this day and age, there is so much pressure, the pressure to be living some perfect life that doesn’t exist. It is no wonder people get anxious and depressed. In a world of chaos, I like to pick up the paintbrush. You can read this post here.
5, We Won
This year we won an award! At the start of 2017, I felt disheartened because I was always the nominee never the winner. However, I learnt a huge lesson this year. Winning didn’t fill that void in me. I was thrilled to win, I had worked so hard on improving my writing, videos and photography. It was after I had won that I received a kind card in the post from a follower. This card brought me to tears and it was then I realised that it isn’t about winning for me. When somebody says that I have inspired them or helped them in some way it gives me more satisfaction. So, thank you, to everyone who takes the time to read, watch, comment and support. You can read more here.
6, DIY noticeboard made from baking trays
You guys love a good DIY hack and I loved seeing you guys making the noticeboards using some wire baking trays. This was one of my fave DIY’s from this year and I loved that it was so simple anyone could try. You can read it here and do tag me in a pic if you give it a bash.
7, My trip to Paris
Can you believe I had never been to Paris! Neither can I. At the start of the year, I finally made my dream come true and I got to go to Paris. I adored this city and I hope it will be the first of many visits to this city. Wandering around the city with a backpack full of wine and fresh bread was the highlight of my year. You can read and watch it here.
8, The Pink Phone
2017 was the year of the spray paint for me! I just couldn’t get enough of the stuff. I had gotten an old battered telephone for free that was gathering dust under the bed. I wanted to make a DIY youtube video so I headed to my local woodies and picked up a can of pink spray paint. I was thrilled with the results and I loved seeing you guys try the DIY too. You can read it here.
9, Afternoon tea with
This was one of the most fun days out I have had in Dublin this year. I worked with the lovely ladies over at and we went on the vintage tea tours bus. This was so much fun. I had an adorable afternoon tea on a vintage bus that took us all around Dublin. You can read more here.
10, I made a dress!
One of my 2017 goals was to make a dress from scratch. I had been sewing bears all year and hadn’t learnt or moved on with sewing. Angeline had watched one of my Youtube videos where I had mentioned I wanted to sew a dress. I was thrilled when she offered to come to me and teach me. I put together a video of the day and you can find that post here.
11, My trip to Bruges
At the time of this trip, I was going through a tough time personally. This trip was something I really needed at that time and I look back at it as the adventure my heart needed. I had so much fun wandering around this quaint town. I was also lucky as the weather was beautiful for the time of year. This has sparked my curiosity to explore more cute places in Europe. You can read about it here.
12, Comparison is the thief of joy
Earlier this Autumn I spoke about comparison and how I have dealt and still deal with it. This struck a chord with many of you and I am glad it was relatable. Nowadays we consume so much content on social media. A lot of it can be false or untrue. People put their best foot forward and I am guilty of that too, in this post, I am sharing the ways I deal with the comparison. You can read the full post here.
13, DIY tyre planter
This is one of my favourite summer DIY’s because I was working with my blogging bestie Karen at the time ( ) We were working with Dealz on a garden campaign and we were competing with each other for the best garden makeover. I had so much fun! We had such a laugh. When I look back at this post I smile! You can catch it here.
14, The gin trolley
This Ikea hack was one of my faves this year. For ages, I wanted to make myself a little drinks station in the house. I really wanted a drinks trolly that could double up and be versatile. So, when it wasn’t being used for a drinks cart I could use it as a tea trolley. You can catch the post here.
15, Furniture painting with Kyle Lane
One of the best parts of 2017 was the people I met along the way. I had the absolute pleasure of going to one of Joanne Condon’s workshops. She taught me to paint flowers free hand and shared her knowledge on the paints she used in her studio. This was such a fab day and I got to have a catch-up and dinner with Joanne after. One of my fondest memories of Summer. You can catch the video within this post.
16, Staycation in an old railway signal house
Something I want to do more of is exploring the gorgeous country I live in. I want to see more of Ireland. Back in Summer, I had the pleasure of staying in the signal house in the station house hotel. I explored the surrounding Boyne Valley area and felt like a proper tourist. If you have any suggestions as to where I should explore next in Ireland then please do comment below. You can catch this post here.
17, China cabinet DIY
Giving something a new lease on life that just isn’t working anymore is one of my fave things to do. I had this cabinet sitting in my master bedroom gathering fabric samples. I decided to give it a little makeover and it now sits proudly in the room. I also laugh at myself when I look at it as I used my car jack to jack it up to put the legs on it! This DIY is special to me as it got me through a tough week in November. Sometimes having something to focus on can get you through a bad patch. You can read that post here.
I really enjoyed reflecting on the past year. I recently shared a post on my blog about setting goals, if you are looking back on the year and feeling a little down then why not set yourself some goals and achieve the things that you want to in 2018. You can read that post here. To see more of my posts from this year just click the tabs on top and the search bar to navigate around the blog. I really hope you enjoyed the content from this year. You can find all my videos over on my Youtube and don’t forget to come and follow me over on Instagram where I post daily.
Thanks for reading, I will see you all in 2018, Have an amazing New year!
Chat soon,
Thank you so much for reading! Yes, Solo travel is a big one for me too. Something I need to keep pushing myself to do. x Happy new year. I hope 2018 is a great one for us! x
You had quite the year! Solo travel is something that has always scared me, but maybe someday I will be brave enough to do it! I hope that 2018 brings wonderful things your way. Also I am loving that pink fridge! 🙂
You are so kind! I really appreciate you watching my videos and reading the blog, Thank you, happy new year x
Catherine, thank you so much for your wonderful blog! You are such a treasure to watch and learn from. Blessings for your fellowship and I look forward to all your post in the coming year. You are a gift of joy and inspiring. I especially live how you share your cup of tea and kittens with us. A cup of SUNSHINE you are. Best wishes always and grand fortune in 2018 and beyond.
Thank you for reading Victoria! I am hoping to bump into the garlic and cheese chip man tonight on my travels lol! Happy new year and thank you for all the support this year x
What a year! I’ve really enjoyed your blog, YouTube and insta (and the drunk snaps, I think I love the garlic cheese chips man!). Happy New Year, looking forward to seeing what 2018 has in store for you x
Agh Bridie! What a year we have had wah?! Here is to more dirty memes, more hustling and navigating through this world! Not to mention all of the nervous poops! We got This!
Pal, you are a content creation MACHINE! It's been an absolute pleasure chatting to you every single day this year and you keep me on track whether you realise it or not. You're a little ray of sunshine and as dirty minded as I am which is why we get on so well! 2018 is going to be your year. I feel it in my waters!!!