Nobody can start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending – Maria Robinson.
Reflecting on the month using my happiness planner I wanted to do a round-up of the things I achieved in Feb. I can honestly say since starting my planner back in January, I have really felt enlightened and content in February. I ticked off things on my lists, I had adventures and pushed myself out of my comfort zone.
February is always a fun month for me as It is my birthday. This birthday was kind of bittersweet as turning 29 made me seriously reflect on getting older. Heading towards thirty and comparing yourself to others can really get you down. I decided to take stock and not let things get me down so much. You can have a read of that post here. So I decided to make a list of some goals I wanted to achieve this year and my big one was adventrue and explore.
So in Feb I got to go on a trip I had been wanting to go on for such a long time. I got to go to Paris. It was such a magical place. I really enjoyed falling in love with the place. I got such inspiration too. Nothing makes you grow like experiencing a new culture. If you want to read more on my Paris trip click here. I also booked a flight for May! I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone completely and I will be traveling long haul on my own, so keep your eyes on the blog for more adventure posts.
Diy and the pink fridge
One of my goals this year was to get back into my DIY prjects. I am still making my bears and craft items however I am making more time for projects. Projects give me such a sense of satisfaction and give me a creative outlet a side from sewing. Looking back on the month some of my favourites were the pink telephone, the pink fridge ( you can see a pink theme here), a mini bedroom refresh and my love heart diy.
Girl gang and learning new things
I attented the Dublin tech sumit to try and learn some new things to apply to my blog and my side hustle. For me the best part of the day was bouncing off fellow bloggers and business owners with ideas and sharing advice. There is something magic when people with similar passions come together. It was motivating and inspiring in itself just knowing there are people who have the same drive and passion as you do. I also learned a few tips too and I have a post sharing what I learned here. The lovely ladies I seen on the day was Karen from lovelygirliebits, Holly from, Jen from , Jen from @toodollymakeup and Lisa from lifeofabridetobe. I have highlighted these ladies pages with links for you to check out there hard work.
Each day I have been writing in my happiness planner. So far I have only missed three days since starting it on the 1st of January. There really is a power when it comes to writing things down. Making lists that are not only tasks but lists that are for things for me, like taking me time.
I don’t want this post to be a ” Look at me aren’t I great at what I achieved”, I want it to inspire you, if there is something you want to do then go for it. Don’t wait for January or a Monday to do it. Make them plans, book them flights or pick up that paint brush. Whatever it is to get you feeling good.
I have a few posts already on my happines planner but you can read more here and here.
I also got my planner from
Here is to a fab March! I am already excited for the signs of Spring and can see them mornings and evenings brightening up already.
What goals have you set for March? Let me know in the comments below.
Chat soon,
Aw thank you so much for reading! I had such an amazing time and I loved the culture. x
Agh thanks pal! we are gonna kill it in March pal.
I'm living in Normandy and I'm very happy that you appreciate Paris.I love yours pictures in this post. It's very zen and not aggressivehave a good day
It feels like the Tech Summit was ages ago! I haven't come away from something feeling that inspired in ages while learning all the things we're already putting into effect! Here's to a deadly March for you missus!