Making A Dried Lavender Wreath & Tips For Growing Lavender

With its captivating fragrance and purple blooms, lavender has long been loved for its beauty and versatility. This herb has been used for centuries, from calming aromatherapy to culinary delights. Crafting a dried lavender wreath is one of the most beautiful ways to preserve lavender’s charm. 

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of making a fabulous dried lavender wreath and share my tips for growing lavender in your own garden.

lavender wreath

Choosing the Right Variety

Lavender comes in different species and varieties, so picking the type that suits your climate and growing conditions is the most important thing. English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a popular choice for its scent and suitability to various climates and areas.

lavender field

When is the best time to plant lavender, and when does it flower?

The best time to plant lavender depends on your climate and the specific variety of lavender you are growing. Lavender is a hardy perennial that prefers warm and sunny conditions and is generally best planted in spring or autumn. Here are some tips for the best time to plant:

  1. Spring Planting: In regions with mild winters and early springs, it’s ideal to plant lavender in the early spring after the last frost date. This gives the plant ample time to establish its root system before the hot summer weather.
  2. Autumn Planting: For areas with harsh winters and hot summers, fall planting can be a better option. Planting lavender in the late summer or early fall allows the plant to develop its roots during the cooler months, which can be less stressful.
  3. Container Planting: If you’re growing lavender in containers, you can plant it almost any time of the year, as long as the climate is suitable. Container-grown lavender can be protected and moved indoors during extreme weather conditions.

As for flowering, the specific time can vary depending on the lavender variety and your growing conditions. Lavender blooms in the summer, usually from June to August. 

Proper pruning and care can encourage additional blooming and maintain the plant’s health and appearance.

The best time to plant lavender is in the spring or autumn, depending on your climate and the specific variety. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the beautiful lavender blooms during summer, adding a beautiful fragrance and vibrant colour to your garden.

lavender field

Where is the best place to grow lavender in your garden?

Lavender loves full sun light, so choosing a location in your garden that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sun light each day is hugely important. The more sun it gets, the better it will grow and produce blooms.

Lavender prefers well-draining soil to prevent soggy roots, which can lead to root rot. Sandy or loamy soil types are excellent choices for lavender. If your soil doesn’t drain well, consider planting lavender in raised beds or containers with good drainage.

Good air circulation is also important for preventing diseases and ensuring healthy growth. Avoid planting lavender in crowded or overly covered areas of your garden.

Lastly, lavender does not tolerate soggy soil. Avoid planting it in low lying areas or places where water pools after heavy rains.

How to plant lavender?

Plant your lavender in spring (March-May) for the best results. Add horticultural grit to heavy soil for better drainage. Place the plant at the same depth as its pot, and water thoroughly after planting. Continue to water it regularly during its initial growth phase. Once established, lavender requires minimal watering. 

Choose terracotta pots with drainage holes for planting lavender in pots. Fill with compost and horticultural grit for drainage. Place in a sunny area, away from trees or shrubs.


How do I harvest my lavender? 

  1. Timing: The best time to harvest lavender is when the flowers are in full bloom but have yet to start to fade. Aim to harvest lavender in the mid-morning after the dew has lifted but before the heat of the day, as the essential oils are at their peak during this time.
  2. Pruning Shears or Scissors: Use sharp pruning shears or scissors to harvest the lavender. This ensures clean cuts and minimizes damage to the plant.
  3. Choose the Stems: Select the stems with the most vibrant and fully opened flowers. Avoid harvesting stems with unopened buds, as they won’t have as much fragrance or essential oil content.
  4. Cutting Technique: Position the pruning shears about one to two inches above the woody growth, where the green stems meet the older wood. Make a clean cut at a slight angle to prevent water from collecting on the cut end.

From experience, I let my lavender go leggy because I didn’t prune it properly. You can cut it back hard if you leave some new growth underneath the cutting point. Cut into a compact shape to avoid it getting leggy.

Drying and Storage

After harvesting the stems, gather them into small bundles. Use rubber bands or twine to secure the bundles tightly, making sure they don’t fall apart during drying.

Hang the lavender bundles upside down in a warm, dry, and well-ventilated location, away from direct sunlight. You can use a cool, dark room, a shed, or a garage for this purpose. Allow the lavender to dry for about two to three weeks or until the stems are crisp and the flowers retain their colour and scent.

Once the lavender is fully dried, remove the flowers from the stems by gently stripping them with your fingers. Store the dried lavender flowers in airtight containers or glass jars in a cool, dark place. Properly stored, dried lavender can retain its scent and quality for several months.

What are some benefits of lavender? 

Lavender is not just a fragrant and beautiful plant; it also offers numerous benefits, ranging from aromatic properties to therapeutic and medicinal uses.

Firstly, lavender’s pleasant and calming fragrance is commonly used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, anxiety and promote relaxation. Inhaling lavender essential oil can be calming to the mind and body, helping to release tension and improve sleep quality.

Lavender is also known for its ability to promote better sleep. Placing lavender sachets or using lavender essential oil on your pillow can aid in falling asleep faster and improving overall sleep quality.

The aroma of lavender has been shown to have stress-reducing properties, helping to lower cortisol levels and induce a sense of calm and tranquillity.

Lavender oil caused topically to help relieve muscle pain, tension, and headaches. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it popular for natural pain relief.

People often use lavender sachets as a natural moth deterrent. Lavender’s scent is known to repel insects, making it a natural and pleasant alternative to chemical insect repellents. The smell of lavender can help deter moths and prevent them from laying their eggs in your items.

lavender wreath
lavender wreath

How to make a dried lavender wreath?

Materials you’ll need:

  • Fresh or dried lavender stems
  • A wreath frame
  • Floral wire 
  • Wire cutters or scissors
  • Ribbon or twine 

For the wreath base, I am using a metal circular frame that you can pick up in craft shops and online. You could also cut out a base from thick cardboard. You can also obtain florist wire from craft shops, florist supply shops, and online.

I got my lavender bunches from a shop in Wicklow, but you can harvest your own lavender and use that. You can also use dried lavender. If you have fresh lavender in your garden, pick the stems when the flowers are in full bloom. 

Trim the lavender stems to a manageable length, usually around 6-8 inches. Remove any excess leaves or flowers from the lower portion of the stems.

When placing the lavender on the wreath frame, use floral wire to attach the stems to the frame, make sure they overlap slightly. Twist the wire tails from each stem to secure the next one in place, repeat this process until the entire frame is covered.

Try your best to spread out the flowers on the wreath evenly. 

Once you’ve completed the lavender placement, trim any excess wire or stems that may be sticking out. If needed, check for any loose lavender stems and secure them with extra wire. Add a ribbon or any extra decorative elements before hanging it up. 

I find lavender wreaths are more delicate, so I prefer to hang them inside or in a covered spot outside, like a porch. If you use fresh lavender for your wreath, the lavender will dry over time. 

lavender wreath

Happy Planting!

Creating a dried lavender wreath is a great way to cherish the beauty and scent of this beautiful herb throughout the entire year. 

Moreover, with proper care and cultivation, you can have a never-ending supply of lavender to create these beautiful wreaths year after year. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your lavender, and embark on a journey of natural beauty with this amazing herb!

Check out my recent vlog of my trip to France where I showcased the beauty of Provence during its peak blooming season. I captured everything from the lavender fields in Valensole abuzz with bees, to the charming French towns and almond fields.

If you would like to watch more videos and pick up some more garden tips, check out the Cottage Garden Playlist on YouTube, where you will find a new video every Sunday! Or click here for more garden posts.


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