Bloom festival 2018

Heading to Bloom this weekend? 

I was really impressed with Bloom this year. After being at the Chelsea flower show last week I was worried that Bloom would be a letdown but I can honestly say that I was so impressed with the garden’s this year. I have put together a Youtube video of the day too as from chatting with you guys on Instagram I know some of you won’t make it up to Dublin this weekend to see it. I got lots of inspiration for my garden, now to just get the time and muscle to try and do some of the bits in my garden! I will link my Youtube video below and I hope you enjoy my photos of the day. 

Bloom is running from Thursday the 31st of May until Monday the 4th of June, If you are headed then I always tell people to arrive first thing and go straight to the show gardens. I always go in the back entrance of Bloom near the hole in the wall pub at the Phoenix Park. This entrance has a car park which is €5 and it is easy to navigate around. I then go straight through the walled gardens and into the show gardens. I think there are twenty show gardens this year and my three favourites were the Greek style Mamma Mia garden, the one that had a Hansel and Gretel style cottage in and the smaller garden that had loads of flowers planted on the rood of the shed. Apologies I didn’t get the names of the gardens but you will see them on my Youtube video. 

Once you have explored the pretty show gardens then head to the big white tent and explore the flowers inside. You can also buy flowers from the different nurseries. I didn’t buy any flowers this year as my own borders are thriving and I have no space but I did get lots of ideas for planting. Just like in Chelse the Lupin and Foxgloves were standing tall with pride and seemed to remain popular. I am delighted as mine have grown this year and also seeded so I have extra within my border. Alliums were also popular with a lot of them planted in the show gardens. I also loved the cottage style of planting that was on display. I love that style as I feel I can achieve it in my garden and it doesn’t have to be so perfect, the bees were also loving it. 

Travelling this year? Don’t bring home plants! 

Now, I hold my hands up! I am guilty of this but this is something that was also mentioned at the Chelsea flower show. There is a lot of plant pests and diseases throughout Europe, lots of creepy crawlies and beetles that we do not want to bring back to Ireland. In October I brought back some Allium bulbs from Bruges and I was delighted as they were a souvenir in my garden, however, I shouldn’t have so if you are travelling this year and are thinking of bringing back bulbs or seeds then leave them there and buy them at home. 

One of my favourite things about Bloom is the huge food village. I got a delicious crepe for my breakfast. Now, prices aren’t scandalous but they aren’t cheap either. I did see some ladies having a cute picnic from the boot of their car which I thought was a cute idea! You also get to sample loads of foods when our rambling around the food village. If you do pop in their then go and say hello to Kelly Lou cakes! She has a stand their this year. Tell her I said Hi! 

I also picked up some goodies from the craft village. I picked up two prints and I was really impressed with the Irish crafters that were selling in the craft village. There was also some free craft classes and demonstrations within the craft village. You can see more of this in my Youtube video. 

Let me know what your favourite part of the Bloom festival was, are you hoping to visit this weekend? Comment below or send me a DM over on my Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe and give my video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it! 

Thanks for reading, 

Chat soon, 




  1. Catherine Carton
    June 3, 2018 / 10:01 am

    Aw it was so lovely and thankfully the Irish weather was kind to me that day x

  2. Lostvestige
    June 3, 2018 / 1:07 am

    This is so beautiful! It must be a dream to wander through all these amazing flower displays 🙂

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