My tips for getting your spark back
Do you ever just feel zonked? no matter how much sleep you get you just want more? yawning throughout the day and just feeling plain MEH? Sound familiar? The past two weeks I have been feeling a little low on energy. This time of year I find I can get like this, the dark evenings, lack of sunshine and the colder days do get me down. Sometimes life just drains your energy and your left feeling zapped, whether it is work, family or relationships, life can just sometimes take its toll on you and you have to stop and listen to your body. I wanted to write this post today to share my tips on what I do when I am just running on empty and the tips I have for filling myself back up. A wise person once told me that if you have a glass of water that is full and you let everyone drink from it, soon your glass will be empty and nothing left for you. That is how I feel when it comes to my energy. I feel if I give and give and don’t stop and take time for me then I do feel like I am running on empty.
Now, before I get into sharing my tips for getting your energy back I have to say that if you are exhausted all of the time and not feeling great after a few days rest then you should see your doctor and get a check-up to make sure your general health and your mental health is in good order and there is nothing underlying that is causing you to feel low, the tips I am sharing today are what I do when life has just gotten on top of me and I need some rest and TLC. Always head to your doctor for a checkup first if you aren’t feeling great, even if there is nothing wrong with you then it will put your mind at ease. I also have no experience when it comes to taking supplements or vitamins either, so, I have left out any mentions of vitamins on purpose.
Let it pass and don’t fight it
So, if you are a worry wart like me, you might worry and wonder why you are feeling a certain way. “Why am I so tired, what if I am getting sick, why do I feel so low,” “I don’t have time to be sick I have too much work on” blah blah. I can get caught up in my thoughts and start thinking the worse and before I know it my “just having an off day” can spiral into a full-blown anxiety attack. Sometimes it would be nice if there was an on/off switch in your head and you could just silence the thoughts that cause you anxiety. I have learnt that by just accepting that for a few days/week I am feeling low that it passes quicker.
When I fight the feelings of exhaustion, I find I just end feeling up worse and it takes longer to pass. So, I accept the days where I just don’t want to talk to people, I yawn, I nap, I allow myself to feel grumpy and I don’t try and force myself to take on too much. On these days I am just extra kind to myself. I try and silence the negative thoughts in my head, turning the “What if’s” into “So what’s”. If you are feeling in a fog and struggling to get through the day then break the day down, take it hour by hour. No matter how bad you feel just carry on and let the tiredness come with you. It will pass once you stop fighting it.
Also, accept that you are only human. I jam pack my days and take on loads and then I get annoyed at myself when I don’t get things done, but, I take a step back and tell myself that I am only human. I am not a machine and I need to stop being so hard on myself. Instead of beating myself up over the things I didn’t get done during the day, I stop and look at all of the things I achieved and I start to feel a bit better by changing my thinking.
Rest and a change of scenery
Have you ever heard the phrase “A change is as good as a rest”? I love this phrase, there is nothing like a change up in your routine to give you a pep in your step. When people think of rest they mostly think of having a duvet day, a lie on or simply lounging around. I am not really one for lounging around, when I am really tired I will have an early night but for me getting out and getting some fresh air helps me more. Change up your routine, whether it’s getting up early to exercise or start work earlier, change your day off, or work different shifts. Small changes in your daily routine can shake up your day and break the monotony. I personally prefer to go to bed early and then rise early. I love getting up early and having all of my chores done and out of the way so I can enjoy my day.
I also like to go for walks and get back to nature. Especially this time of year. I love getting up early and going for a walk in Winter when the world is silent. I leave my headphones at home and I walk and take in what is around me, sounds of birds, frosty grass, the fresh air. I try and be mindful. Even if you can only do this once a week, I highly recommend it.
Tea with a friend and a chat
You might not realise it but sometimes there might be something getting you down that you can’t quite figure out or articulate, but, by talking it out with a friend you get some clarity and comfort. Nothing beats a good ole chat with a close friend. Now, sometimes I don’t want to bog down people with my problems, you should never feel like you are being a burden and if you are feeling down you should talk to someone. If you don’t have a close friend to talk to then maybe consider counselling. Sometimes there is still a bit of a taboo around mental health in Ireland but there is a lot to be said for counselling or talking to a therapist. Even if your problem might seem small you will feel enlightened after talking and getting things off your chest. We live in an age of technology and it might seem easier to text or phone someone but I really recommend meeting in person for a chat and a cuppa. When you’re not feeling yourself it is easy to become isolated and introvert, although you might not want to meet up with a friend, you will feel all the better after it. Even if you don’t want to have deep meaningful chats with friends then have a night out or do something fun with friends.
Book a trip
It is nice to have something to look forward to in life. Something to get excited about. It can be something small or something big, but having a goal to strive for makes all your hard work seem worthwhile. I love to have a little holiday or an adventure to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be a big trip either. Small staycations, weekend trips or even planning something nice for your day off can be enough to make you feel better. Even just visualising where you want to go and what you want to do can get you excited. I am currently planning a trip for next February, It will be something to look forward to in Winter and will keep me going through the busy Christmas period in work.
Pamper your self
I get caught up in being busy in the evenings, especially after work. I plonk myself at the laptop to spend the evening doing my blog work, but it is nice to have a little evening pamper ritual to wind down. Lately, I have been taking back some time in the evening to pamper myself. Switch my phone to aeroplane mode for an hour and just take care of myself. Whether it is taking an extra few minutes to look after your skin, a face mask, hair mask, long soak in the bath. All these things can give you a better sense of well being. We all know that feeling, you have fresh bed sheets on the bed, you have a bath and pop into fresh pyjamas and you feel squeaky clean. Yet, we can forget to do these simple things and getting back into an evening routine can help get your sparkle back. You might not be able to pamper yourself every night but do try and do it at least once a week.
Unplug that phone
Yes, I have spoken about this before in previous blog posts but there is so much noise that goes on each day and a lot of it is in the palm of our hands. Would it kill us to switch it off every now and again? I have been taking more days off from the likes of Snapchat and social media platforms that just don’t leave me feeling uplifted and enlightened after consuming content on them. Instead, I have been swapping Snapchat for motivational podcasts, youtube videos and reading. I am left feeling more focused, mindful and lifted from it. So, if scrolling through your feed leaves you feeling more Eugh than Aww, then maybe unplug for a few hours or days.
I hope you found this post useful, my main reason for me writing this was to make you feel like you are not alone, if you are going through a rut, low on energy or maybe life is getting on top of you then know that you are not alone.
Please share your tips below in the comment box or come over to my Instagram too.
Chat soon,
Aw, thanks for reading Julie, Yes, all this week I have been taking my make up off when I get home from work and I have been giving myself little mini facials as a treat and it does help! x
Thank you for your uplifting Blog Catherine. It's made me realise that I too have a glass of water everyone sips from then there is nothing left for me. I am going to try & pamper myself once a week too have some time for me. All the best to you. Take care xxx
Aw, thank you so much for reading and commenting Mary, I really hope you get home, A month in the South of France will be amazing and a fantastic base to set yourself up for travelling, I hope you get your own space soon, Thanks again for reading, have a lovely week, x
Aw, thanks for reading lovely! x We all need to give ourself some me time, its so easy to forget and get caught up in our day to day x
Aw, wow Diana, well done for getting out of the job, so many people stay in them and never change, big step! Best of luck in the new job x
Thank you so much for reading Donna, Yes, as great as social media is, it can definitely get me down too x
First let me say thanks for sharing this with us all. Sometimes as women we have a tendency to bottle everything up inside because we all like to do things our selves and we a suppose to be Superwomen we can handle anything. I myself suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and I have my bad an good days. I do see a therapist and a psychiatrist and it helps. Right now I am living with my brother and trying to fix up his house so it can be sold asap. I want to return to live in Ireland as I find the pace a lot slower and to be honest I miss Ireland. I was born and raised in Dublin and left Ireland when I was 20 well I would love to spend my golden year at home and enjoy making my crafts. Yet I am torn about this decision because my kids and grandchild are here in the US not that I get to see them. On my bad days I find going to my craft room which is the craft in my brothers house and working on a project helps. I wish I had my own place here in the US just me and my 2 Shih Tzu. I want my own door to come and go as I please and not have to answer to anyone. For my short time in Ireland this time I enjoyed myself I want to spend a month in the south of France next year. I can use it as my home base to visit other places. Sorry this was so long and again thanks for sharing all with us. Your friend Mary M
Thanks for the blog post darling. You’ve really made me think about things more now and I’m going to take on your tips to try and make myself get out of those slumps more easily. Xxx
I think we've all been there and cannot avoid it every once in a while! The trick is to identify what you need to get back to yourself and act on it! All the tips listed are great ideas, I'm really looking forward to London second week in December – the Xmas lights and decor, so excited!!!! 🙂 On a more serious note, I had to actually do a lot of soul searching this year to come to the difficult decision of changing my jobs as the job I've had for over 6 years was literally taking the joy out of my life due to a load of issues! Have only been in my new job for a few days but I already feel I'm taking back control, and having loads more energy to enjoy my life! :)Hope you have a fab week!Diana xxxx
Thank You so much for this blog post Catherine. I felt like it was me describing myself! I am learning through you that I need to change things up to break the monotony. So many times I have stepped away from social media, because I have found myself feeling down and somewhat angry after being on Facebook. I stopped for three months onetime and felt so much better about things. Thank you again for making me feel like I’m not alone. Love your blogs.
Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy your pamper this evening, I am going to treat myself to some new skincare and try and have a little nighttime skin routine x
Great post, and thanks for the reminders! It’s too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget that self love/ care is very important. I am inspired to pamper myself a bit this evening. ��
Thanks so much for reading Victoria! I’m so glad I’m not alone, I need to add more exercise to my day. Gratitude is so great for getting grounded too xx
I found this post really useful Catherine, thanks. It was like reading something I’d written myself because I’m exactly the same! I’m having a particularly busy, stressful and generally shitty time currently and practicing the above (and counting down the days til the work stress lifts) is getting me through. I find being more appreciative when I’m feeling down helps, like I force myself to notice the good things (working in a beautiful place, living in such a vibrant city) to bring myself back to the present. As for the energy part, I have to force myself to go to the gym and to eat well, I’m basically living off Diet Coke and hula hoops in work these days so actually making myself go home and cook dinner is a mood booster for me and I’ve so much more energy if I drag my arse to the gym after work! X