My top tips for being productive.

How to get the most out of your day. 

Hi everyone. 

Lately I have been getting questions on how I manage my time between working full time, crafting and blogging. 

You might see me on Snapchat getting up at 6am, working my shift then making teddy bears and posting on Instagram in the evenings. 

The truth is it can get overwhelming at times but lately I have been trying to manage my time better and be more productive so here is some tips. 

Make a list.

I have a few lists, I have a to do list for tasks in work, then I have my list of craft orders for when I get home. 

I find when I am overwhelmed with things to do that taking five mins to sit down and write everything down puts it into perspective and I feel much better. Also I love the feeling of ticking off my list. 

When you are super busy with work and your blog you can forget things easily so I try and write things down. 

I also write down blog ideas at the back of my order book and use this for inspo when I am stuck for a post. 

I love a paper and pen also, I find if I write things in my phone I tend to forget about them. 

Make use of waiting time.

Ever stuck waiting on a bus? in a queue or have a few minutes to kill between meetings. I love to use this time to check and reply to emails, reply to Instagram comments, edit photos and even write blog posts. 

I use the blogger app to start writing a post whilst on my lunch break so I can finish and tweak it when I get home. 

You will be surprised how productive your bus journey will be which will free up time to relax when you get home. 

Learn to say no.

Whether its an event or a large craft order I have started to learn that I just physically cannot say yes to everything. As much as I would love to attend all the fun blogger events and make teddy bears for everyone, I would just burn myself out if I tried to please everyone, Don’t be afraid to say no, at first I was terrified to say no to events as I was afraid I wouldn’t get asked again but if a brand really likes you they will understand. 

Rest and rise early. 

Do not sacrifice sleep, come 9 pm every evening I switch completely off and be still, whether its a bit of tv, some reading or an early night I am always asleep before midnight. I find I am more productive when I get up early and I get more done. Try it and see, set your alarm one hour earlier than normal and get some thing ticket off your list. 

Make time to play. 

This is something I need to do more but I find when I take time out to relax and go out and do something fun that I am much more refreshed. Whether its a walk somewhere pretty, dinner and a movie or a few pints I find a change in routine and scenery is a good rest. 

Don’t mix day job with blog job. 

What I mean by this is that when I am in work I do all my work tasks and focus on them and nothing else and same when I do my blog/crafts.

Trying to sew teddies or write blog posts whilst thinking of the day job will get you overwhelmed. 

Just do it.

As Nike says Just do it, Don’t wait to feel motivated to start something, don’t wait to feel better to start doing something, stop making excuses and simply start something. 

An example was this blog post, I was sat on the couch scrolling through my phone thinking I’l do a blog post when I am not tired and I thought why wait and just started writing a few lines, and it was a few lines more than what I would have been doing laying on the couch. 

 I hope you found these tips helpful, let me know what motivates you and your fave ways to save time and be more productive. I truly think if you love what you are doing then you will love being busy but make sure to take steps for some me time don’t burn yourself out. 

Let me know what you think in the comments section and leave the link to your blog. 

Chat soon,




  1. Milseog (Debbie)
    March 23, 2016 / 12:15 am

    Thanks Catherine, would you believe I actually finished the whole assignment, ☺ enjoy the rest of your week xxx Debbie

  2. The dainty dress diaries
    March 22, 2016 / 8:43 pm


  3. The dainty dress diaries
    March 22, 2016 / 8:42 pm

    Thanks for reading! Even do an hours work xx Good muck with the assignment 💕

  4. Milseog (Debbie)
    March 22, 2016 / 8:36 pm

    Great tips Catherine ☺ I am sitting on the couch at the moment doing everything except a college assignment but I think 'I'll just do it' ☺☺ xxx

  5. Milseog
    March 22, 2016 / 8:34 pm

    Great tips Catherine ☺ I am sitting on the couch at the moment doing everything except a college assignment but I think 'I'll just do it' ☺☺ xxx

  6. The dainty dress diaries
    March 22, 2016 / 8:07 pm

    Aw thanks for reading Aoife, yea I find if I just start something after about 10 mins i have forgotten about being tired and have ticked something off my list. xxx

  7. Anonymous
    March 22, 2016 / 8:02 pm

    Great tips, I always say I'm tired but I should really just get motivated and DO it ☺️

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