Happy new year!

Hello everyone.

Now that the madness of all the festivities is over we can all get back to normal. 

January can get a lot of people down but I personally love it as it means it’s a fresh start to a new year and it means we are closer to spring and summer dresses! 

What I have planned for 2015 so far?

I don’t make New Years resolutions but I do set myself some goals. 

This year I want to learn how to use a sewing machine and learn to make things like cushions and small crafty items. 

I love furniture upcycling but sometimes it’s harder to sell larger furniture items and I think i will have better luck with little shabby chic trinkets. 

I have signed up for a sewing evening class in my local school and that will start in February so il share how I am getting on with you. 


Another thing I love about January is you plan your holidays and trips away. Just the thought of the sun brings me happiness and all the fun holiday shopping that comes along with it. 

Myself and good friend Michelle are heading to London for a weekend in January and then I hope to go to the sun in June too.

My mission is to one day this year get to paris as it’s the shabby chic mother land but not sure if I will make it this year. 

The house? 

I am going to start work on my upstairs this year so will have lots of upcycle projects to share with you. 

I have a large dormer bedroom, ensuite and stairs to do and plan on upcycling all of the furniture for it so I will have lots of projects to share and should have new homes for all the dresses. 

Not forgetting all the new tea dresses that will need homes! 

I want to share more outfit posts but I go through a winter dress rut but that should all change now with the new spring styles touching done in stores. 

The body?

Eugh! Every year I say to myself to lose just a few pound and I end up gaining more. This year I am going to learn to be more comfortable in my own skin and lead a healthier lifestyle and not beat myself up for not being a mini victoria secret model (cos I like mc muffins too much).

P.s iv serious scaffolding under my bodycon dress I posted below. 

I would like to try yoga but more for stress managment not for getting buff. 

Let me know what your goals are for this year? 

Share over on Instagram and tag me in your posts @daintydressdiaries xx

Chat soon. 



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